Friday, September 3, 2010

First ever blog post

Well, let's be honest. I read the Bible. Regularly. And since I'm being honest, I'll just tell you that I'm a Christian. One of them:) And to be even more honest I'll tell you that there are many parts of the Bible that I don't understand. In fact, I attempted to read Numbers this summer and epically failed. That puts me at the beginning of Joshua and the middle of Luke in my Bible reading endeavor. I can't say I have read the whole Bible. I have not read all the prophets and I have never tackled Revelation. However, I'm very excited to take this challenge and explore the Bible in the context of this class.

Professor Sexon's challenge to approach the Bible as a piece of literature is going to be hard for me. I will do my best, but as with any piece of literature, my experiences and beliefs and worldview will shape the way in which I read it. I don't want to argue with anyone or to be a cause for contention, but to write an honest blog and share my honest reactions, you must know that I believe the Bible is true. Truth. Scary word huh?

This could be interesting...

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