Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Slave

I began reading The Slave a couple days ago, and I see why it is so intriguing. I'm amazed by Jacob's pious religiosity and his love for the commandments. The battle of spirit against flesh is portrayed so well. It reminds me of the verse that Professor Sexson quoted in class: "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41) Jesus says this to his disciples when he asks them to stay awake and pray, while he goes and prays to the father in the garden before he is arrested. I was thinking about how in the history of the church, persecution has actually made believers stronger and the church has grown exponentially during these times. We'll see if the same is true for Jacob. Here are some words I looked up.

Gemara: The second part of the Talmud, mostly Rabbinical commentary on the Mishna
Mishnah: The first part of the Talmud that contains early interpretations of the scriptures
Cabala: A Jewish mystical movement based on a symbolic interpretation of the Scriptures; it flourished from the end of the 12th century
Eulogize: to praise highly in speech or writing

Researching Judaism and reading The Slave, I can't help think about Fiddler on the Roof. Here's a clip just for fun.

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